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January 16, 2015

Savings Chart

I’m sure everyone has now seen the popular “52 Week Money Challenge” where over a years’ time you can save up to $1,378. We found this challenge interesting but what if you’re wanting or needing to save more money? How can you be a part of this great way to save but save even more? We have the answer for you.

We took some time to figure out a way that anyone can save even more than $1,378 a year. Take a look at an example of our chart below. You can print our chart here.
Week # Amount Balance Extra Grand Total

Week 1       $1.00       $1.00           $5.00           $6.00
Week 2       $2.00       $8.00           $0.00           $8.00
Week 3       $3.00       $11.00         $20.00         $31.00
Week 4       $4.00       $35.00         $100.00      $135.00
Week 5       $5.00       $140.00       $0.00          $140.00
Week 6       $6.00       $146.00       $0.00          $146.00
Week 7       $7.00       $153.00       $10.00        $163.00
Week 8       $8.00       $171.00       $5.00          $176.00 

As you can see our chart allows you to take even more money out during that week if you see that you have it. If you should sell something or make money in another way we have given you the ability to also add that amount of money to your savings chart.

What does this do?
Let’s say you have a yard sale on week 13 and you make $105. Add that to the amount that you will take out for that week, which is $13. That’s $118 that you have added to your savings in just one week. Which gives you even more money to look forward to at the end of your 52 weeks?

Why Should You Save?
You never know when you will need some extra cash and doing a saving chart will allow you the ability to save a little bit more money during the year. Some people choose to do a savings chart to allow them to have the spending money for Christmas items when the time comes.

If you find that it’s too much on you to save with that type of chart, give this one a try. It will allow you to save $780 in a years’ time. We have found that sometimes it’s easier for some people to have a set amount every week.

What ways do you save money?

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