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January 16, 2015

Make Your Own Dish Soap

Making your own homemade dish soap is a lot easier then you may think and it can save you a lot of money over time. Let’s go over two simple recipes to get you started.

Dish Soap #1
Our first recipe for dish soap is very inexpensive and extremely easy to make. Most of these items you may already have there in your home.


  • Recycled Dish Soap Bottle
  • Very large bowl
  • Funnel

  • Ingredients

  • Hot Water
  • Clear Shampoo
  • Borax
  • Baking Soda
  • White Vinegar
  • Lemon essential oil (optional)

  • How to Make Dish Soap #1
    Follow these easy steps to make this first type of dish soap.

    Step #1 – Combine 2 cups hot water, 2 tbsp shampoo, 1 tbsp borax, and 1 tsbp baking soda in a large bowl. Stir to dissolve the powders.
    Step #2 – Add 1 tbsp white vinegar. You'll probably see some bubbles as the vinegar reacts with the baking soda. That's normal. Stir it all up!
    Step #3 – I like to add a few drops of Lemon essential oil to make it smell good, but this is optional.
    Step #4 – Use funnel and pour into your dish soap bottle. That's it!

    When you go to use it, keep in mind that it won't bubble as much as regular store-bought detergents. And make sure you shake the bottle before each use.

    Dish Soap #2
    Our second recipe for dish soap is inexpensive and also extremely easy to make.


  • Recycled Dish Soap Bottle

  • Very large bowl

  • Funnel

  • Ingredients

  • Hot Water

  • Liquid Castile Soap

  • White Vinegar

  • Lemon essential oil (optional)

  • How to Make Dish Soap #2
    Follow these easy steps to make this second type of dish soap.

    Step #1 – Combine 1/2 cup hot water, 1 cup liquid Castile soap, ¼ cup white vinegar in a large bowl. Stir really good.
    Step #2 – Next add around 10 drops of lemon essential oil to the mixer.
    Step #3 – Use funnel and pour into your dish soap bottle. That's it!

    You’ll want to shake before each use with this one as well. And if this doesn’t make the amount that you would like you can always double the recipe to fill a larger bottle.

    What's the difference in the dish soap recipes? The difference mainly lies in the use of Castile soap. It is more expensive than the clear shampoo in the first recipe, and may be a little more difficult to find. I got mine from Amazon. Even though you'll spend a little more on the Castile soap, it has many uses, and it's a lot cheaper than the prepackaged green dish soap.

    Have you made your own dish soap? What ingredients did you use with yours?

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